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Taxation Services(Tax advisory and Tax compliance)

BESS offers a comprehensive range of tax advisory and compliance services. 

Our Tax compliance services


The deadline for tax return varies depending on each single tax law and every single company, which makes it confusing for international companies to comply with. On the other hand, for small and mid-sized businesses in Japan, hiring, training, and managing full-time accounting people or in-house accountants who have expertise in taxation with the right business English proficiency can be particularly difficult and definitely cost-inefficient. Our taxation services allow clients to avoid these problems and make sure they comply with required laws.


Our Tax compliance services, such as:

– Corporate Income Tax return preparation
– Enterprise and Inhabitant Tax return preparation
– Consumption Tax return preparation
– Depreciable Assets (Property) Tax return preparation
– Business Premises Tax return preparation

– Filing of various types of tax applications to tax authorities

– Various types of domestic and international tax consultations

– Others

Our Tax advisory services


We can advise on business structures, carry out proper tax due diligence, and  resolve tax disputes to minimize tax and penalty exposure. In response to the situations such as coronavirus pandemic, we can introduce applicable tax exemptions, subsidies and loan programs for sustaining  their businesses such as substantially interest-free loans etc.

If you would like to discuss more, please feel free to contact from below! 

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3-3-3 Sekiguchi Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, Japan 112-0014

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